medical science 11

purulent arthritis

The causative bacterium is determined by culturing the puncture fluid from the joint, and the test shows a positive CRP value and leukocytosis.


Pyogenic arthritis is arthritis caused by infection with pyogenes. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common causative bacterium, and causes include hematogenous infection, spread of osteomyelitis lesions within the joint capsule, and infection from penetrating wounds.


In childhood, it often spreads from suppurative osteomyelitis and develops later in the knee and hip joints.
Newborns and infants have poor systemic symptoms, with swelling of the affected joint and loss of movement of the affected limb.
In adults and infants, fever is present as a systemic symptom in addition to swelling of the affected joint, movement pain, and spontaneous pain. In purulent arthritis, joint destruction progresses, so early treatment is important to preserve joint function.


purulent arthritis
Arthritis caused by pyogenes infection is rapidly progressing joint destruction, so early treatment is important. Fever is a systemic symptom in adults.




rheumatoid arthritis
The course of arthritis repeats remission and relapse, eventually leaving sequelae such as contracture and ankylosis, and about 70% of patients have HLA-DR4.
Drug therapy is a two-system combination therapy of NSAIDs and DMARDs.

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